Tag: Goals

Goals for this week

This is my smart goal for this week and a review on last weeks goal which was to Finish all my work and blog about at least four different bits of my work.

my goal for this week:

Participate in athletics day (to the best of my abilities)

My S.M.A.R.T goal for this week

Every week, we set a S.M.A.R.T goal to do with our learning. S.M.A.R.T stands for:

S: Specific

(Does my goal have enough detail?)

M: Measurable

(How will I know I achieved my goal?)

A: Attainable

(Is this something I can realistically achieve in one week?)

R: Relevant

(What do I need to improve on the most?)

T: Time- based

(The time frame for your goal should be one week)

here is my new goal for this week, and my review from last weeks goal-